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Seminarium Logica Copernicana: A logic for instrumental obligation

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Seminarium Logica Copernicana: A logic for instrumental obligation

Zapraszamy na kolejny wykład w ramach seminariów naukowych Logica Copernicana organizowanych przez Katedrę Logiki UMK w Toruniu.


Wykład wygłosi dr Jialiang Yan z Uniwersytetu Tsinghua w Pekinie, odbywający staż badawczy w Katedrze Logiki.

Więcej informacji o prelegencie: https://yanjialiang.com/.

Wykład odbędzie się 25.02.2025 o godzinie 9.30  w Katedrze Logiki (ul. Moniuszki 16/20).


O seminarium i dotychczasowych wystąpieniach: https://logicacopernicana.umk.pl/

Tytuł wykładu:

A logic for instrumental obligation


In this talk, I will present a logic based on causal inferences to formally capture the concept of instrumental obligation. We establish causal deontic models that extends causal models with priority structures, in which both the instrumental and deontic meaning of an obligation can be represented.  In the model, instrumental obligation is defined as a derived notion through intervention formulas in causal reasoning, where an action is considered instrumentally obligatory if it is the best way to achieve the goal. We provide a sound and complete axiomatic system and show that the logic is NP-complete. The concept of instrumental permission and multi-goal instrumental obligation are also taken into account.  This talk is based on a joint work with Qingyu He.

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